LSB Stahlbau SIEBSCHAUFEL 2000 MM 950 L

Dealer number 300256537
Τιμή συμπ. ΦΠΑ 19 % 1.178 €
Τιμή χωρίς ΦΠΑ 990 €
Ημιτελές προϊόν LSB Stahlbau
Μοντέλο SIEBSCHAUFEL 2000 MM 950 L
Έτος κατασκευής 2023
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
Είδος οχήματος: Νέο μηχάνημα
Ημιτελές προϊόν: LSB Stahlbau
Μοντέλο: SIEBSCHAUFEL 2000 MM 950 L
Έτος κατασκευής: 2023
Πλάτος εργασίας (m): 2

This ad will be part of a soon coming auction. The minimum price is: 990 €
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(0010) LSB screening bucket with teeth class 2
(0020) Wheel loader: JCB 409
(0030) Pick-up: Zettelmeyer wide cutting unit
(0040) Width: 2,000 mm
(0050) Capacity: 950 liters SAE heaped
(0060) Tooth type: Bofors 911 (6 pieces)
(0070) Color: RAL9005 black silk gloss
(0080) Cutting edge 200x20 mm made of hard steel 400HB
(0090) Side cutting edges made of hard steel 400HB
(0100) Screen bars made from fired molded parts
(0110) Screen spacing approx. 60 mm
(0120) Tooth protection made of plastic
(0130) Order number laser part
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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Πληροφορίες επικοινωνίας
AGRAVIS Technik Sachsen-Anhalt/Brandenburg GmbH
An der Plantage 1
16833 Fehrbellin
Contact Person

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call us.

02504 / 888 65 20